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NYC Elementary Admissions Virtual Event – February

Dear families,

We hope you’ll join us for one of our virtual information sessions!

As a reminder, this online event is for families with children born in 2018, 2019, and 2020. We look forward to sharing how to learn about schools and programs, how to use MySchools—the online school directory and application system, and how to submit an application. After the presentation, we will respond to your questions.

No registration is required to join; however, a passcode (provided below) is required to join the online event.  


Each event is hosted live online.

  • Join us on Zoom by clicking here at the event’s start time.
  • Webinar ID: 919 6957 2985 | Passcode: 123456
  • Or call in at: +1 646 558 8656 | Phone Conference ID: 91969572985#


February 1, 2pm to 3pm | Event held in English.

  • For interpretation in Arabic during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 891 643 215#
  • For interpretation in Haitian Creole during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 480 543 79#
  • For interpretation in Russian during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 384 923 238#


February 15, 6pm to 7pm | Event held in English.

  • For interpretation in Bengali during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 962 308 738#
  • For interpretation in Korean during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 657 287 270#
  • For interpretation in Spanish during this event, call +1 347-966-4114 | Phone Conference ID: 634 876 446#


Can’t Join for an Event or Want a Review?

A captioned recording will be posted to schools.nyc.gov/ESEvents by January.


Best wishes,

The Elementary Admissions Teams, Office of Student Enrollment