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NYC Council District 16 Youth Advisory Council

I wanted to extend the invitation to this month’s Youth Advisory Council meeting which will be held Tuesday April 25th from 5pm – 6pm. The meeting will
be held at Council Member Stevens’ District 16 Community Office, which is located at:

1377 Jerome Avenue, Bronx, NY 10452.

Purpose of Youth Advisory Council:

  • To address issues & challenges that youth are faced with in the West Bronx
  • To connect young leaders who are passionate about bringing change to their community
  • To create collaborative spaces for young people to express their voices, and ideas, and put action behind it

Unlike other advisory councils in our office, this will be YOUTH-BASED & YOUTH LED! Don’t miss  the opportunity to be a part of the change that you want to see in your community.

If you are planning on attending (Youth Only), please follow the link to rsvp –

**Did you know there are only 5 more days to apply for SYEP?!

Don’t miss out on career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences this summer.-

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